Home at last!
As I sit here finally getting to update the blog, Terri is sleeping just across the room where I set up her new bed (downstairs) for at least the next month. She still wakes up pretty regularly, because the medicine wears off, but now that she is home she seems to be getting some much needed deep sleep. I know that it is deep sleep because I can't hear the television through her snoring :). The plan rides home turned out to be much less terrible than we expected. The take-offs were fine, the landings were not very nice. We figured out that I could brace her pretty well with my arm just below her neck against the neck brace to limit her head from bouncing back and forth too much when we touched down. Actually the worst thing was one of the airport workers who was supposed to push her in the wheel chair when we got off the plane. After nearly getting airborne on a couple of inclines on the ramps out of the plane, I finally and not so politely took control of the wheel chair dispatching the person to more fit duties like moping or sweeping or whatever would be a better fit. There were some tense nerves and I found out a lot of bumps on highway 101 I never realized were there, but we did get home.
Now starts the road to recovery and that in and of itself will have its ups and downs. However, with a lot of support, which we have, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
The kids are great and very happy to see us, especially little Macee who was grinning from ear to ear. It was great to have the kids read the letters and post-cards we sent them especially since they arrived today when we did...lol. Gotta love the U.S. Postal Service or is it 'Lack of Service'?
Well blog readers wherever you are at, it is time for me to got to bed. I am 100% wiped out.
Good Night.
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